But if you are unsure, start off being more defensive until you see chances to take down your opponent. It depends on how you are playing and what you get at the start of a match. Cards like Freeze, Balloon, Wizard, and Skeleton Army can be counters just as much as they can be offensive plays. While mostly defensive, there is a lot of room for change and adjustment depending on what is on the field.

This deck is all about going with the right pace of a match. When possible, you want to have an Elixir Collector on the field to have the extra resource to play more counters frequently as the match goes on. The same can be said for the Wizard and Minion Horde, although they are better suited for countering against groups of enemies that are placed to attack your Golem. Spear Goblins and Archers are great ranged attackers against units that would threaten your Golem. Although the Golem is powerful, it definitely is not invincible. At the same time, you need to protect it against counters from your opponent, such as Minion Hordes or other group cards like Barbarians or Goblins. It is powerful against almost any unit and will deal massive damage to Towers, so you want to have it out when it counts. The Golem is the main focus of this deck. This will allow you to play a Golem faster and counter more frequently. During the later half of a match, Elixir Collector is great since you have a lot more Elixir being charged up than your opponent.

The Elixir Collector will allow you to gain more Elixir every 10 seconds to play powerful cards, rather than have you overspend and wait a long time to recharge. This deck has a high average Elixir cost, but this isn't something that make's the deck useless.