At $159 the need for a professional editor must be present, unless of course you have more money than I have, for this. I don't agree with Infix on their price politics, (though they have lowered Pro from $199 to $159), but nevertheless I have already decided that I am going to pay the necessary $59 to upgrade my Standard 3 to version Professional 4 at this price I can strongly recommend it. It is almost incredible that Infix should be the only PDF editor that actually looks like an editor, (but it apparently is), because this was the very "feature" that caught my interest in the first place - I wanted a PDF editor that I could figure out how to use! Surely I cannot be the only one wanting this? Infix is just as easy to use as any rich text editor. The best feature of Infix may be the complete likeness with a normal rich text editor. One is the "automated text filling" (see video), but there are plenty. Nevertheless I think the Professional version 4, that I am testing now, at $159 may be an even better deal (well, shouldn't it be?!) because of certain features (that really should be standard in Standard !). The version 3 that I already have is a so-called Standard version, but listed at $99 it is quite expensive, some may think. Plus all the other features of Infix Professional. * Improved support for leader dots in tables of contents * Restyled user interface plus support for Vista & Windows 7 * Support for 20+ languages (spellcheck and hyphenation) * Convert any document to PDF using the Infix PDF Printer

* Direct document translation using XML import/export * Fill-out PDF versions of traditional paper forms The guys at Infix have of course been told about the problem from more people than me, and now they have launched version 4, with shorter font loading time EDITED: and a bunch of new features.

The problem that stopped me from using it more often was the amount of time Infix will use to load all of my fonts every time it should open a PDF file it was simply too SLOW (I have many fonts)! Otherwise I think it is a VERY fine and totally easy-to-use program. Since summer I have only used the program a few times, all though I was very impressed with it. If you want to know more about Infix, after reading this, here, it may help to read the first thread. By posting again, here&now, I am not trying to upgrade my license from 3 to 4, because I can say already that the "Professional" version is what I want and they don't give that one away. In the early summer I recieved a free license from Iceni for Infix version 3 Standard because I posted about it.